Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How to Raise Your Energetic Vibration

How is your energy level these days?  Do you feel joy on a regular if not daily basis? Do you get up in the morning feeling energetic and looking forward to the day? Or are you often lethargic, low on energy and just ant to pull the covers over your head? Well, today is the day we conquer this once and for all. We can control what is apparently controlling us, so we can be our authentic, joyful selves and live in freedom and service to others.

Our emotions have a lot to do with our energy and joy levels. 
Many people are in bondage to their emotions and don't realize it. They let their emotions control them instead of the other way around.  What we often don't realize is that our emotions are a result of our thoughts!

When I am feeling down, I stop and ask myself  "What am I ruminating on?" There is usually some theme that I am dwelling on. Therein lies the problem. Our thoughts can make us feel less than and inferior instead of the adored children of God that we are. We start comparing ourselves to other people. We think doom and gloom and such thoughts as:

"I'm depressed."
"I feel fat."
"Nobody cares about me."
"I'm old."

Can you relate?

As a young woman, I had very low self-esteem due to my weight problem which was due to being taught to ignore my feelings. My father was an alcoholic and both he and my mom were super-critical, always expecting perfection. I overate to comfort myself.  I shied away from the opposite sex thinking I was unattractive and I was afraid to speak up for myself. Perhaps you can relate.

Many of us have low self-esteem which causes us to stay in unhealthy and unhappy relationships. We develop addictions such as overeating, shopping, overwork, over exercising, to comfort and soothe us.  We develop negative thought patterns, fears, and anxieties which then lead to physical illness. We cannot be truly free until we face our inner demons. 

Let's define bondage. Other words for bondage are subjugation, slavery, yoke, chains, captivity, duress. The opposite of bondage is freedom and independence. Freedom to enjoy our lives, freedom to make our own decisions, freedom to choose healthy habits and freedom to live in peace and prosperity and then to become a blessing and to be of service to others.

So, how do we know we are in emotional or mental bondage? Here are some signs:

1. We constantly fret, worry or ruminate over a situation or a relationship.
2. We react emotionally when our buttons are pushed instead of looking within.
3. We are unable to resolve conflict in a healthy and timely manner
4. We have weak boundaries
5. We don't respect ourselves enough
6. We lack a sense of joy and energy on a daily basis
7. Our happiness depends on external circumstances
8. We are not moving forward in a particular area of life
9. We lack a sense of purpose and fulfillment
10. We feel stuck in life.

Do any of these resonate with you? Freedom from bondage starts with our thinking.  It starts by realizing the thought patterns and attitudes that are holding us back and making a conscious decision to change the lens through which we perceive the events of life. There is always another way to see things. There is a silver lining to every dark cloud, no matter how dark it may seem.

Positive thoughts raise our energetic vibration and negative thoughts lower it. We attract what we think about. If we want positive people in our lives, we need to be postive. Like attracts like. The reverse is also true. If you want to have more joy, more energy and feel more alive, start catching yourself thinking. When you find you are dwelling on something negative, REBOOT!

When I wake up in the morning, I repeat this verse first thing: "This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it". (Ps. 118:24). I make a conscious choice to enjoy my day. I also put on the "shoes of peace", to remind me not to let anyone or anything steal my peace and to be kind and humble when dealing with others. I encourage you to develop your own spiritual morning routine to preprogram your day.

You can control your energetic vibration and it starts with thinking positive thoughts and taking control of your emotions. We can choose to see the glass half-full or half-empty. It is a choice we make every day, every minute of our lives. Don't get older and grumpier. Be like fine wine which matures, gets more mellow and more enjoyable as it ages.

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Stay tuned for more practical, positive and powerful ways to ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time,

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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