As each year has come and gone, I have made small but significant changes to stay happy, healthy, and at peace into the New Year. Today, I am sharing some of the tips I have implemented to help reduce the stress of the holidays and dealing with all the people during this busy season. I hope they will resonate with you as well.
Tip #1: Choose activities carefully.
Sometimes we can get in the habit of doing the same thing year after year after year. It becomes routine and loses it's joy. When this happens, it is time to let that activity go to make space for something new. There are so many delightful events this time of year, why be bored by the same old thing? Here are some ideas we've tried and enjoyed:
- find a local church and attend their musical holiday production
- get tickets to the Nutcracker and enjoy the dancing and music of Tchaikovsky
- take in a performance at the Mormon Temple in Washington, DC- drive or walk thru the lights at 34th Street in Hampden.
There are so many invites I give thought before making a commitment. I don't say "yes" right off the bat without considering what else is going on. For example, I typically say no to anything that is not Christmas-related during the month of December. I want to give my time and energy to celebrating the season. I have the entire rest of the year to do other things. I also want to pick the best activities, not just any activity to fill up the calendar.
Tip #2: Minimize exposure to energy-suckers.
These people often seem pleasant enough at first. Then you begin to see the signs.
They chatter incessantly.
They are drama queens.
They thrive on relating negative stories from the past.
They are emotionally reactive and easily offended.
They like to be the center of attention.
When I encounter one of these types of people, I run. Energy-suckers can be male or female, friend or family, so be on guard. If you get home and realize you are drained, you probably were in the presence of an energy-sucker.
Tip #3: Maintain a regular exercise routine.
I know the holidays are extra busy and time is limited but do not neglect a short workout of some sort. When it's too chilly to walk outside, I take a brisk walk in the hallways of my complex. Even a short walk can defuse stress and help clear the mind. Go for a run if your joints can take it. Take a different group exercise class. Lots of fitness places offer discounts this time of year so take advantage. Just be sure to wash your hands when you get home.
Tip #4: Don't overcommit.
It's so tempting to say "yes" to every invite, every party, and every get-together. The problem is most commitments take more time and energy than we estimate. If we are bringing a food item or a gift this all takes time. Women have to figure out what to wear, do the nails, hair, etc. I used to do back-to-back activities and I was proud of it, believe it or not. Then I learned. It's too much.
There are always extra factors that add to the stress of an activity such as traffic, parking, cold weather, people missing their flight, etc. Allow extra time for any given activity. This is called "margin" and is useful in everyday life. Don't be like I was, trying to pack so much into any given day. Slow down, enjoy the event and the time with friends and family and allow yourself enough time to breathe.
Tip #5: Make time for solitude.
This is a personal biggy. I need a lot of downtime! After a long day of people, I need to be by myself. People wear me out. It is important to quiet our minds and just be with ourselves. We can curl up in a favorite chair with a book, take a hot bath, or just turn off the phone and the tv and enjoy a quiet house. It is a gift we give to ourselves. If you're not comfortable being alone, give it a try for maybe just a half an hour. You'll be surprised how good you will feel when you disconnect and slow down your thoughts.
Tip #6: Shop Early
Don't procrastinate and wait till the last minute to get your shopping done. This only adds more stress to life by doing so. Beat the crowds, the lines and the franticness by shopping early and getting it out of the way. Make your list of who you need to buy for and spread it out. Shopping is exhausting so don't try to do it all in one day. Pace.
Tip#7: Simplify
This tip applies to life in general, but is even more crucial at the holidays. You don't have to compete with your friends and neighbors. Everything doesn't have to be Hallmark picture perfect, because perfection causes stress. Ask yourself "Is this worth the stress?". Cut back on the number of gifts you buy. Simplify your holiday meals. Keeping it simple allows you more time to enjoy the holidays.
These are seven of my holiday tips on how not to end up exhausted by the New Year. Give them a try and write and let me know what tips you use to stay balanced and at peace.
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Stay tuned for more tips on how to keep your focus and enjoy this delightful and blessed month.
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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