Tuesday, July 27, 2021

What to Do While Waiting for Your Miracle

Life has its seasons. Some of them good. Others not so much. The world is just coming out of a season - the season of pandemic, isolation, quarantine, illness, and loss. Perhaps you, too, are coming out of a season: a sickness, a health issue, a divorce, a job loss. So many things can set us back and slow us down - but the good news, no the GREAT news is - God is still in the healing and miracle working business! 

Let's look at the story of the man who was paralyzed for thirty-eight years and sat near the pool waiting to be healed, but could never make it to the water in time. Until Jesus appeared and told him "Rise. Take up your mat and walk." (John 5:8). Verse 9 says this "Immediately the man was made well, took up his bed (mat) and walked." It was his time to be healed. Turns out he didn't need to make it to the pool. All he had to do was believe Jesus. He went straight to the temple to worship and give thanks.  

There's a lot to unpack in this story. The man was sitting there by the pool for thirty-eight years. Can you imagine? Thirty-eight years! And finally, one day he made a decision. A decision to believe and to take action. He reclaimed his life. 

Personal Story
We all go through seasons. Some of them longer than others. I feel like I am coming out of a seven-year season. It started in 2013 with several major relationship losses including the sudden death of my beloved step-dad. My health took a nose-dive and I had to take a leave of absence from my job. The leave of absence turned into leaving my job for good. Not the way I had planned.  

Since then it has been doctors appointments, MRIs, neurologists. and trying to manage migraine on my own. On top of that, my mom fell and broke her hip and I was elected to help her downsize and sell her house in Texas, which took 3 long years. She also had an IRS issue that I took over in addition to all my stuff. Then the pandemic hit. Talk about a heavy load. Seven years is a long time to suffer and I can't imagine the guy in this story sitting there for such a long time. 

Here are 4 actionable steps you can take to help make your miracle a reality and give you more peace in the meantime.

1. Keep the Faith
No matter how long you have dealing with a certain situation, don't lose heart. Keep on doing the right thing, keep on seeking, and keep believing. It's easy to get discouraged when time has gone by and still no results. But therein lies the key. When we don't give up, when we persevere despite what our circumstances look like, when we have faith, this is when God can act. God rewards Faith because Faith is the currency of heaven. 

2. Trust God's Timing 
No matter what we are dealing with, know that God has set a time limit on it. Just like the man in the story. God sees our situations, our burdens, our pains. We are not forgotten. At just the right time, Jesus will show up and do a miracle, just like he did with the crippled man. I can't give you an answer about when things will change, all I can tell you is that if you keep having faith, keep believing, and keep knocking (taking action) sooner or later you will get your miracle. The Bible says this: "The promises of God are yes, and amen." (2 Cor 1:20)

3. Keep Praying
There is power in prayer, I can testify to that. When we pray, something supernatural happens in the spiritual realm which is where the battle is actually fought. Prayer helps us to connect with the Divine, who is the source of all miracles. Scripture encourages us to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thess 5:16- 18). I think one of the major benefits of prayer is that is keeps us from being worried and anxious about things that are out of our control. 

4. Take appropriate action
Many people want to just "go with the flow" and let things happen on their own, but I believe in many instances, we have to take action, just like the man in the story, he picked up his mat and walked. We have a part to play in our miracles. If we want to lose weight, we have to exercise and watch our caloric intake. If we want to get out of debt, we have to cut the credit cards. If we want to heal a relationship, we probably should go talk to a therapist. You know the saying "If you keep on doing what you're doing, you'll keep on getting what you're getting". 

I hope you will make a decision to give these steps a try. 

For Reflection 
What season of life are you in? What situation are you waiting to change? Your health? A relationship? What action steps can you take to make your miracle a reality?  Give a listen to this uplifting song by Gloria Estefan who went thru a horrific car accident that broke her back and through faith, prayer, and intensive physical therapy, was miraculously healed. 

I trust this series was encouraging for you. I'd love to hear your feedback. 
If you are new to my blog, consider joining our community by entering your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly posts and also a copy of my free eguide "Seven Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". Do share with a friend. 

To let you know, I will be taking the month of August off from posting. I hope you will join me in September with a brand new series on positivity and dealing with stress before the busy season hits. 

In the meantime, practice strengthening your spiritual muscle and let me know how it goes.  

Until the next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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