Thursday, May 10, 2018

How to Receive the Promises of God - Part 3

We've been talking about receiving the promises of God. What are they though? Joy, Peace, Abundance, Provision, Guidance, Wisdom, Love, Strength, Prosperity, Health to name a few. First, we talked about expecting God's best in our lives. Then we talked about the power of speaking out God's word and what you want to see show up in your life. Today we will finish up this series with the third step in receiving the promises of God.

The first two steps set and energize our desires and call in God's help and power. These are crucial to seeing the life we dream of materialize but there is one more step which is just as powerful.

In order to see our dreams materialize, we need to take disciplined action. In other words, we need to develop habits that move us toward our goal. We cannot keep making excuses for why we are where we are in life. We have to DO something about it if we are unhappy.

Here's a personal story. While raising my two sons as a single mom, we lived in an aging townhome. The place always needed fixing up, repairs, and replacing things like the windows and the carpet. I'd get home from work, take care of the boys, and then start working on whatever the current house project was. I remember pulling up old carpet and tack nails in my living room, on my hands and knees. I remember painting the wood paneling in the basement to give it a fresh look. I remember painting the stairway and hall and ripping down awful wallpaper scrap by scrap.

My mom always wondered why I kept "putting all that money into that house". Well, because when one owns a home, one has a responsibility to maintain it, that's why. One day, while painting the dining room, I heard God speak to me "Go see the condo". I had seen an ad for a condominium complex in the newspaper recently. I put the paint brush down and decided to go visit. Long story short, it turned out to be the home of my dreams. God gave me a huge new kitchen, a luxurious bathroom with a lovely garden tub for soaking, and a built-in fireplace. I sold the family home for a good price because it was in pristine condition to a young man starting off on his own. I never looked back.

I share this story to illustrate the fact that when we do our part, God will do his part in his timing, and often, his timing is unexpected. What dream do you want to see come true? What steps are you taking to make it happen? The promises of God are a team effort.

I hope this series was encouraging and helpful. Consider joining our blog community and enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my bi-weekly emails to encourage and inspire you to ignite the power within and discover your destiny! You'll also receive a copy of my free eguide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path" for you or a friend who is seeking.

Until next time, stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom.

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

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