Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Ignite the Power Within Step 4: How to Win in the Game of Life

Baseball season is upon us and Baltimore is  once again full of hopeful excitement. Loyal Orioles fans pack the stadium sporting their orange and white jerseys, ready to watch the game and socialize with friends and loved ones. Kids hug their blue cotton candy and the smell of hotdogs activates our taste buds.

Imagine a runner rounding the bases at full speed. Excitement mounts as he heads toward home base. Sensing the urgency of the moment, he makes a courageous dive towards the plate, the fans hold their breath and then the umpire signals "You're out!"

As I watched the game this past weekend, I was reminded that life is like baseball in more ways than one. Sometimes life throws us a curve ball. Other times we strike out a time or two.  It could be a broken relationship, the death of a loved one, an unresolved health issue, or a financial setback. It could even be a grand slam of all of the above. What to do then?

At such times, it is imperative that we pull out the secret weapon we all have deep within.  I call it the power of Faith: an amazing gift we each have been given to help us cope with the curve balls of life. Some of us, for whatever reason, get thrown more curves than others, but we must trust that a power greater than ourselves has a plan and a purpose for each time we strike out.

When we realize we have this great gift, despite the odds and our circumstances, Faith gives us the ability to stay in the game. Yes, it takes courage and yes, it takes strength but when we activate our faith during the tough times of life, God gives us both of these. He equips and empowers us to do what we need to do even when the game seems all but lost.

Just as we need to strengthen our physical muscles to handle the demands of life we also need to strengthen our spiritual muscle. As I share in my book, "The Power of Faith", there are specific steps you can take to develop your personal power so you will be equipped when life throws you a curve ball.

So, next time you feel like you've struck out once again, remember every play can teach us something about ourselves, others, life, and God. If you enjoyed this post, join our community and  enter your email in the box provided. You'll also recieve my free e-guide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path".

Until next time, stay in the game and keep your eye on the ball. You're bound to hit a home run sooner or later!

Ariel Paz 

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