Are you content with your life? Are you accomplishing your goals and dreams? Do you look forward to starting each new day? If so, then you are living a life of wholeness but there is always something new to learn to move forward, have more joy and to be more of a blessing to others which is what it is all about anyway, right?
Or when the alarm goes off, do you just want to pull the covers over your head? No joy? No motivation? Well, this is the year to make a change! In today's post, we'll talk about the 5 keys to living a fulfilled and joyful life.
1. Focus.
In order to live a fulfilled life we must have focus. Focus is a critical discipline we need to master if we want to make progress in life. When we don't have focus, we drift from one thing to the next, never really accomplishing much or feeling fulfilled. When we are focused, we have well-defined goals in front of us as well as a strong belief that we can achieve them. It means having our eyes and our minds set on the direction we want to head in and wearing blinders to everything else. It means saying "NO" to people and activities that don't align with our goals and values.
2. Values are the things that are most precious to us in a given season.
Here are some examples of goals and focused action that supports them.
If it really matters to me to look good in a size 6 jeans, then I will exercise and eat right. If I want to enjoy my home, then I will make time to clean, organize and decorate it. If I care about my health, then I will watch my weight, monitor my cholesterol and blood pressure, and watch my stress levels. Like-wise, if I want to enjoy financial freedom, I will ditch my debt and curb my spending habits.
Values can change over time. For example, being a mother was a high priority when I was a single parent raising two sons. My sons are now grown independent adults who have their own lives so now I am free to pursue my own interests. Good health and keeping in shape are still of high importance. I don't want to let myself drift into being overweight and out of shape as I age. Other values are peace of mind, security, fun, and growth, to name a few. We each get to choose our own values.
Our values determine how we spend our time. When our activities and choices align with our values we feel at peace and content because we are living a life of integrity and wholeness. When our lives are full of activities that do not align with our values, we will feel unfulfilled, frustrated, and discontent.
3. Awareness is being conscious of the choices I am making in the present moment.
It means being conscious of my actions, my behaviors, and my thoughts. When I am fully present, my mind and my thoughts are focused on what I am doing. I make choices based on my values and goals. I am listening to that still small inner voice and not the voice of my flesh or other people.
Ephesians 5:15-16 says "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." In other words, it is very easy to be distracted and it is the aware and conscious person who makes good use of his/her time. Time is one commodity we cannot get back.
4. Decisions.
Indecision holds us back. We waffle back and forth and this keeps us stuck. We make excuses. Decisions are powerful because they move us forward in life and into our destinies. A decision is like a stake in the ground. "I will .....". Of course, we should always consult with God on our decisions. It is all too easy to let the flesh and our egos dictate our decisions. We have to ask ourselves "Where will this decision take me? Where will I be in the next five years as a result of this decision?" "Will I regret this?"
5. Action.
After we have made a decision, the next step is to take action to follow through. If we decide we want to lose 5 pounds, we will cut back on our food intake. We will get more exercise. We will stop the snacking. Failure to act is just as bad as indecision. We cannot allow procrastination and laziness to keep us from moving forward in life. If we do we will end up living a life of regret and disappointment and who wants to feel like that? Action goes hand in hand with faith, which is why we need to develop our spiritual muscle so we will have the courage to take the actions necessary to move us into our destinies. Faith without works is dead as it says in the Bible.
So there you have them - 5 keys to moving forward in life. What matters most to you today, friend? Are your goals in line with your current values? Do you want to lose weight? Get out of debt? Declutter your home? Or achieve some other worthy goal? Whatever it is, stay focused, believe you can achieve your goal, and just take the next step in front of you.
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Stay tuned for more on igniting the power within and moving into YOUR destiny!
Until next time, keep looking up!
Ariel Paz
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