Thursday, May 16, 2019

Part 2: Choosing Joy

Joy is a valuable commodity. Everybody wants joy, but few understand what it is or how to get it. Some people equate joy with happiness, which it is not. Joy is not dependent on our circumstances and it should be a component of our daily lives, but is it always?  Often the trials of life can steal our joy, if we let them. Today I'm sharing on joy, what it is, how we lose it,  and how to get it.

Life is not always a bed of roses. 
Let's be real. Life has it's tough times - loved ones abandon us, we get sick, we lose a job. Stuff happens. The circumstances of life are not always so pretty. We are subject to "la condition humaine".  We do our best to try to be happy, but often happiness eludes us, despite the popularity of the songs about it.

Life is a university - a study ground if you will. And the trials we encounter are classes designed to grow us up and to move us forward into our destiny. If you're wondering why you are still in the same place, perhaps there is a lesson you have not mastered. We only move forward when we pass the test.

Why are there trials?
As John Maxwell says in his book "How Successful People Win", there are two basic reasons for our trials:
1) ignorance
2) stupidity

Either we didn't know better or we knew better and failed to act properly. I would offer up a third cause - stuff just happens. It's not always our fault. Many trials come as a result of the actions - or as I like to quip - ineptitude - of other people. These trials may be the most frustrating of all because they are out of our control. What is in our control, however, is whether we let them steal our joy or not.

Joy is bred in the thorns of life. 
Unlike happiness, which is temporary, joy is an inner contentment despite our fluctuating circumstances. It comes from a relationship with Christ and knowing he is faithful to bring us through the inevitable pains of life somehow some way. Personally, I don't know how people make it through life without faith.

Although it doesn't feel that way in the moment, tough times are really gifts in disguise. When we learn to view them this way, it removes some of the sting. Problems of every kind help us to mature when we handle them properly. I know I often have to have the lesson more than one time before I get it.  I would venture to say without tough times, we would grow very little, if at all. Problems show us what we are made of and what needs to change.

Be Willing to Change
Most people resist change for various reasons, ego being one of them. Don't let that be you. Be willing to put forth the effort to change.  Like the fruit on my counter, if we stay in the same place long enough, eventually we will rot. We were made for more. Here's an example many are sure to relate to:

Divorce. It's a painful thing to go through.  I am divorced. To make things even worse, I was shunned by the women at church because of it. I was a working mom and couldn't join their morning bible study.  Divorce is ugly and painful and leaves us with deep wounds that take time to heal. We have three choices:

1) we can turn angry, bitter, and resentful, or
2) we can live in denial and pretend we are the innocent victim or
3) we can learn the lessons and grow from the pain;

Only the third option is a healthy response. No matter how awful the other party may have been, we always have our part to address and our lessons to learn. If we don't learn the lessons, we are doomed to repeat them with the next partner and the next.

Joy comes from personal growth.
It's been said that aging is inevitable but growth is optional. Personal growth is a choice and so is joy. I don't have to let my circumstances steal my joy. Every morning I repeat this verse "This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." (Ps. 118:24).

Growth takes intention and action. Growth doesn't happen on its own. It happens when we take intentional steps to reflect, to learn, and to change. When we grow, we feel more alive, invigorated, and motivated. We look forward to each new day with enthusiasm and passion. We face problems with confidence and determination. Joy pours out of us like syrup onto pancakes. 

Often it takes a crisis, a setback, or a loss to push us into something new. We get used to our "rut" and our routines. As I say in my book, "The Power of Faith", rather than viewing these times negatively, try viewing them as opportunities to grow and to stretch.

Growth and change don't always feel good at the time. We may experience "growing pains" as we transition into a new season of life, but let me encourage you by saying this. It's all good. Trials can build character and make us stronger. They can uncover gifts and talents we never knew we had. Growth is good for our souls. Although it may not feel so good at the time, growth is always better than staying the same and having to go through the experience again.

Would you like to have more joy and energy in your life? It starts by making a decision to be joyful, no matter what comes your way. Then, try adding something new: a new hobby, a different exercise routine, or joining a new group or club to meet new people. Give it some thought and do post a comment and let me know what you plan to do to bring more joy into your life on a daily basis.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to receive my bi-weekly posts, enter your email address in the box provided. You'll also receive a copy of my free e-guide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". 

Until next time, stay tuned for more on joy and on igniting the power within so you can discover YOUR destiny!

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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