Tuesday, January 26, 2021

How to Process Stress Without Losing Your Cool

So how have you been holding up all the world events? The wars? Inflation? The elections? Your relationships? If you've been feeling edgy, anxious, fearful, or impatient, this post is for you. And you are not alone.

The Importance of a Spiritual Path
Stress affects everyone and that is why it is so important to consciously cultivate a spiritual path. The more reactive we are to stress, the more important it is to learn, or rather unlearn, old thinking and behavior patterns. 

Everyone is on a spiritual path, whether they know it or not. What's more, everyone needs a spiritual path, not just those who have been abused, addicted, or abandoned. 

We all need healing.   
How can I say this? Because after years of thinking dysfunction happens only in "broken" or "alcoholic" homes, I've seen enough people from seemingly "normal" families have the same kinds of drama and issues. I'd scratch my head and ask "How did that happen? Her parents weren't divorced/alcoholic/addicts or whatever."

Until one day, it dawned on me - each of us is in need of healing of some sort be it from our past or something that was handed down to us generationally. This is what a spiritual path is all about - healing so we can become whole, integrated, and harmonious beings. We are, after all, body, mind, and spirit and we whether we realize it or not, we each have areas we need to heal.  Author Wayne Dyer says "there is a spiritual solution to every problem," and if we look deep enough, we will find it.

The Need for a Spiritual Path 
The problem is that many of us are not aware that we are on a spiritual journey or that we need healing, so we fail to look for spiritual solutions to processing the stress in our lives. Often, people turn from God or deny his very existence. They shy away from any kind of spiritual path because they are hurting from something or afraid of something. Or it could just be their ego not wanting to admit they need to grow in some area. We look to medications, drinking, food, fun, activities, work, and relationships to console them but sooner or later we realize, we must go deeper. The answer lies not in distraction, but in introspection. 

We are thirsty for peace. 
Jesus knew this when he said "I will give you  living water and you will never thirst again." (John 4:13). The organized church has let many down, including yours truly. Hence, the popularity of such alternative ways to healing and peace. Groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, meditation groups, and yoga classes are thriving these days. Participants realize there is a spiritual struggle going on underneath the covers of the suffering they are experiencing. 

Personal Story 
We are a three part entity: body, mind, and spirit. An injury to any one part affects the other parts. The Chinese have known this for centuries. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has long correlated physical ailments with emotions. For example, a few years ago, I went to an acupuncturist for treatment of an asthma condition I suddenly developed. I had never had asthma in my life and I wondered what was going on.

"Asthma affects the lungs and the lungs store grief," the specialist explained.
"Have you experienced any grief lately?"
"Grief!" I exclaimed, suddenly bursting into tears.
"Yes, I have experienced grief in several very close relationships all in the same year."

The light bulb went on. My body was reacting to the emotional pain I had experienced. Once I gained awareness of all the grief I was experiencing, I was able to process it and the asthma symptoms completely went away. When we bring light to the darkness of the pain in our spirits, we can process the wounds and the emotions, which then allow us to heal at the physical level as well. So how does one know if one is in need of some kind of healing?

Signs of Needing Healing:

1) Physical symptoms and pain
Diseases such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, high blood pressure, IBS, migraine, depression, addictions, and back pain may all have emotional and spiritual roots.

2) Incessant chatter 

Are your conversations self-absorbed monologues (all about you)? Do you focus on the negative circumstances in life more than the positives?

3) Fear of the future
Does anxiety about what may happen steal your peace and joy? Do you feel a need to keep up with every negative news story, gossip, or Hollywood drama? Do you make decisons out of fear?

4) Overdependence on entertainment and other people
Do you always have to be around people? Are you uncomfortable being by yourself? Do you dread being alone? Are you always planning the next activity or event? There is nothing wrong with entertainment but when it becomes a major focal point that indicates a problem. 

5) Preoccupation with any one area of life 
Are you a workaholic? Exercise fanatic? Overly involved with your kids? Is there any area others would say you put too much time into?

6) Inability to overcome addictions 
Some addictions are overeating, alcohol, drugs, gambling, porn, and codependency. In fact, anything done to excess may be an addiction, a way to cover up emotional pain. 

For Reflection:
Did any of these hit home? What do you think is at the root of the issue? If you are not in a spiritual growth group, consider joining one that fits your comfort level.  

My goal is to do my part to help the world heal one person at a time so we can all conquer stress, live in harmony, and pursue our destinies! 

If this post was helpful, consider joining our community by entering your email address in the box provided. In addition to receiving my weekly posts, I am offering my free eguide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". I'm not talking about religion here, so please don't confuse the two. Spirituality is very different from "organized religion" although we may find our path in church for a time and that is quite alright. When you enter your email in the box provided, I'll get it right out to you. 

Also, do pop over and check out my many Pinterest boards on a wide variety of topics you are sure to find of interest. https://www.pinterest.com/arielpaz/pins/

Stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom on how you, too, can find healing, wholeness, and harmony so you can ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

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