Journey to Faith

Journey to Faith
Follow your own path

Monday, April 22, 2024

How to Take Control of Your Life

We all want a life of peace, joy, and happiness. We want to live a stress-free, easy life that flows. So what gets in the way? Problems? Politics? People? These are all external factors that we have no real control over.

The reality is much of the drama, stress and angst in our lives we bring on ourselves. It is a hard pill to swallow, but if we really stop and analyze our problems, in many cases, we will see that our thoughts and actions are what cause us to suffer. The good news is these are both within our control. In other words, we can do something about them. Let me warn you - this post is going to give it to you straight. 

First, let's look at a few examples of how we make ourselves suffer.

We complain we are fat but then we eat a whole bag of chips, devour a carton of ice cream or eat an entire pizza.

We complain we are out of shape but then we spend the night glued in front of the boob tube instead of going for a walk or to the gym. 

We complain about our partner neglecting our needs but are we meeting his/her needs? Or are we too wrapped up in getting our needs met? Remember - it starts with us. 

We complain about our exes, the breakups and our singleness, but we neglect to make time to self-reflect and see what role we played in those relationships and where we might need to change. More importantly, we neglect to connect the dots between our upbringing and experiences to our current behaviors. 

We complain about our finances, but never make a budget or track our expenses. 

We moan about our upbringing and what a poor job our parents did so we stay stuck in our emotional ruts for years instead of changing our behavior and our thinking. 

We suffer because of what someone said or did to us but we fail to take action to stop it. It's called setting boundaries. 

Adam and Eve
Not much has changed in the human psyche since these two played the blame game. It's easier to place blame or look for an excuse such as:
 - "I don't have time to exercise"
 - "I don't have time to cook healthy"
 - "I don't have time to clean"
 - "I'm not in love with my spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend anymore"
 - "I act this way because of how I was raised"
- "Oh, I didn't want to hurt their feelings, embarrass them, etc".
- "He/she is the problem, not me."

You get the idea. All of these statements are either putting the responsibility on someone else's shoulders or making a flimsy excuse.  It is much easier to lay the blame elsewhere or make excuses for our lack of action but guess what? This keeps us stressed and stuck. We won't grow. We won't learn. We won't change AND we won't move forward in our lives.

What to Do
As a woman who has gone through some very tough stuff, (see my book, "The Power of Faith: a journey to healing, wholeness, and harmony)  I finally said to myself "Enough is enough" to the mental and emotional suffering. The path to transformation and emotional freedom began with lots of self-reflection. 

I have become aware of behavior patterns and thought patterns and worked on changing them one by one. I've learned to say "No" to disrespect and unkindness when before I would have allowed poor treatment because I never knew I should expect better. I've learned to take better care of myself emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I've learned I need more space and solitude than other people, so I prioritize my quiet time. I've learned that I am responsible for my well-being and self-care not anyone else. I learned this from an ex-boss who told me "Take care of yourself first." I got it. 

Many people make the mistake of looking for someone else to take care of them and make them happy. That is too heavy a burden for anyone. As Abraham Lincoln once said "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be". 

Learn the Lesson
Experiences that cause us pain have a message. There is always a lesson in the pain. It is up to us to take the time to figure out what that message is. This is our personal responsibility. No one else's. And this is how we will grow and reduce the stress in our lives going forward. 

When we learn to take responsibility for our actions, our words and our thoughts, we increase our personal power. We no longer have to play the blame game or the victim role. We can take back our lives (see my book "Take Back Your Life: 5 keys to Reclaiming Your Personal Power") slowly but surely. In my next post, I will discuss the importance of forgiveness in taking back our lives so stay tuned. 

For Reflection
What thought patterns or behaviors have you inherited or picked up from other people that are not serving you? What behaviors are you tolerating? Take time this week to do some journaling and really do some reflection on your attitudes, thought patterns and behaviors that you want to change.

If this post inspired you to take action and would like to join our community, enter your email address in the box provided. You'll also receive a copy of my free e-guide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". 

Stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom and until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

Monday, April 15, 2024

How to Eliminate 4 Negative Thought Patterns

Spring is a time for renewal, rebirth, and transformation. Who doesn't love seeing new life, bunnies, flowers, and the gorgeous tree colors? It is a time for transformation and that is what today's post is about. 

What changes would you like to see happen in your life? Perhaps lose some weight? Get in better shape? Get your financial house in order? Take that trip you've been dreaming of? Break a bad habit? (We all have them :)) 

Our progress in life and in our goals has much to do with how we think. Often we pick up bad thinking habits which we are unaware of. So this week I'm sharing on  four thinking patterns that keep us stuck instead of moving forward.

The Root of the Problem 
As you probably know, change starts in our minds. We all have sub-conscious tapes playing and thought patterns that keep us from making the changes we so desire. I would like to EMPOWER YOU to address some of these faulty thinking patterns. So, what are some of these negative thinking patterns that prevent us from living our best life?

1. Procrastination
You've heard that saying "Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today" and it is so true. What doesn't get done today, will spill over into tomorrow's to-do list and eventually we will feel overwhelmed. Some have trouble with keeping their house clean and let clutter take over. Clutter keeps us distracted and unable to focus. We spend too much time trying to keep up with stuff. 

Others have trouble managing their finances or exercising on a regular basis. Procrastination keeps us from exerting the EFFORT to take control of our lives. Nobody ever "FEELS" like doing the work and if we wait to "feel" motivated, well you know how that goes. 

We use excuses such as "I don't feel like it", "I'm too tired", "I'll do it tomorrow", "I'm too busy". Do any of these resonate? The answer, friend, is discipline and don't tell me you don't have it, because you ABSOLUTELY DO!

Procrastination is a bad habit you can conquer. 

2.  Distraction
You've decided today is the day you are going to declutter your office. You have good intentions and you start off with good momentum. Then you think of someone you want to call and pick up the phone. Or you get bored and mindlessly wander into the fridge or cupboard for a snack. Or you pop on over to some social media platform just to see "what everybody else" is doing. 

Distractions come in many forms all designed to keep us from accomplishing our goals and moving forward in life.  Distractions take us out of the present moment. Some distractions are playing games on our phones, watching television, working on the computer., shopping. Now there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these, except when we turn to them instead of focusing on our goals and dreams.

3.  Rationalization
I have a friend you keeps saying she's on a diet and wants to lose weight yet everytime we go out to eat, she says "I deserve this" or "I'll start my diet tomorrow". Working hard at the office all day is not a reason to overeat when you get home at night. Nor is the fact that you broke up with your boyfriend or the fact that you don't have a boyfriend. If you want the confidence to attract a boyfriend, stop rationalizing. 

So let's talk about stress for a minute. We all have it and we are each responsible for managing it so it doesn't spill out onto other people, but sadly, many people have not taken responsibility for managing their stress. Just watch the nightly news. Or the guy at the local gas station. Or your idiot boss. 

We can all come up with ideas to rationalize our actions yet all that does is keep us stuck right where we are. If we want to transform our lives, we must prioritize our goals and values over our negative thoughts.  

4.  Condemnation
Okay, so I said I was going to lose weight this week and once again, I head for the cheese and crackers or the wine or the ice ceam or the chocolate. I keep going back to the food issue because many of us struggle with it. I know I do.

These are just examples of how we can derail ourselves by our own choices and lack of commitment. Notice I did not say will power. Will power will only get us so far. We have to make a firm commitment to our goal to keep on track AND we have to stay mindful.

Emotions can have a powerful impact on our ability to say "No". We all fall off the wagon from time to time, but what is worse is beating ourselves up about our slip-ups. When we guilt ourselves, we decrease our resolve to start again fresh the next day. Eventually we will capitulate by saying "What's the use?" and resign ourselves to our condition. How we use self-talk plays a huge part in our success or failure. 

Instead of beating yourself up, give yourself some grace. Say "Well, today I didn't do so well on my diet. I'll try again tomorrow," then go for a walk. Feed yourself faith and hope instead of despair and condemnation. Every day is not going to be easy. Every day is not going to be successful. Yet there will be successful days if we keep at it and eventually the successful days will outnumber the unsuccessful days. We will conquer that mountain and imagine how amazing you are going to feel when you do!

For Reflection
Which of these four thinking patterns do you succumb to? What excuses do you make? How do you treat yourself after a slip up? Awareness is the first step to change and I hope this post has helped you become aware of some patterns that may be holding you back. To learn more on this topic, get your copy of my short ebook, "Take Back Your Life: 5 keys to reclaim your personal power" and do leave an honest review.

If you enjoyed this post and would like to join our community, enter your email in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly posts plus a copy of my free e-guide "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". 

I invite you to pop on over to Pinterest and check out all the interesting stuff I have gathered there on a variety of topics such as health and wellness, fitness and exercise, cooking, travel, beauty, mindfulness, motivation and more. 

Stay tuned for more practical and positive wisdom so you can ignite the power within and discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

Monday, April 8, 2024

How to Transform Your Life

Spring is officially here and it's a great time to declutter. Let's face it. Most of us have too much - too much stuff, too many projects, too much activity. If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit it. We pack too much into every minute, every day. As a result, we end up stressed and overwhelmed. We don't get enough sleep and our immune system falters. Then we get sick. We neglect our relationships, our bodies, and our spiritual growth. Spring reminds us there is always another opportunity to start anew, to grow, and to blossom. 

It's Not Totally Our Fault
We live in a non-stop world. The pace is frenetic and the world constantly barrages us with news, noise, and negativity. It's too easy to get sucked up in the whirlpool of it all; a downward spiral of never ending things to do, places to go, and stuff to take care of resulting in constant frenetic activity, exhaustion, and very little rest, reflection or true relaxation.

There is an Answer
I know you've heard this phrase, and it is applicable to so many areas of our lives but it seems to have disappeared from mainstream society, especially here in the United States. One principle that we all know but often forget to implement and it is this: keep it simple. 
Start With the Basics 
Like your wardrobe. Is your closet packed so full you really don't know what you have in there? Time to get rid of some stuff. What haven't you worn in the past year? What don't you feel good in? What makes you look fat, old, or dated? Chuck it - give it to a friend, Goodwill, or a shelter.

Next move on to your house. Same idea. Start with one room at a time.  How about the kitchen, the fridge, and the pots and pans? Every year around early spring, I get this urge to clean and declutter. I am very selective before I buy anything that is going to sit on my kitchen counter or that has only one use. 

Recent Personal Experience
I have been looking for a new toaster oven. Mine is over 10 years old. Does it still work? Yes but it looks a bit ratty. So on a recent shopping excursion to Costco (one of my fav places), I spied a spiffy shiny multi-purpose toaster/air fry oven. 

Well, I got it home (and bruised my arm because it was so heavy). Unpacked all the various pieces for the different functions, and set it on my kitchen counter. It was too big to fit in a cabinet. I read the cookbook that came with it to see what all it could make. Not impressed. I already have an air fryer setting in my new GE oven. 

Well, long story short. I woke up the next day and saw this big black appliance taking up space on my kitchen counter and thought "Nope, it's too big. It's going back to Costco" and that was that. 

Do You Really Need It?
If we want to declutter our space and our life, we have to get really clear on our priorities. What is truly important? Do you really need all those items to clean, dust, and insure? When was the last time you used whatever? My criteria is if I don't love it, I chuck it. Ok, I get it. Some things have sentimental value. Keep one or two and donate the rest. Live in today instead of the past. Today is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Enjoy it.

Clutter Hinders our focus. 
I can't stand clutter. It smothers me. I need space and light. Stuff seems to multiply like rabbits: gifts from friends we don't need, use, or want, old items we are saving for some sentimental reason, books, records, and photo albums we rarely even look at or listen to. Live in the present and have done with old stuff from the past. Chances are pretty darn good your kids or your relatives aren't going to want anything old you may be saving anyway.

Look at Jesus. 

How much stuff did he have? Did he have to schedule everything in a calendar? He made time for people, healing, and speaking words of faith, forgiveness, and encouragement. When we are ruled by the stuff of this world, what time do we have for the things that really matter? Things that will last into eternity? "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matt 6:33). 

When we declutter our lives and get rid of stuff that no longer bears fruit or serves us, we make room for God to bring in something new. Like preparing for the birth of a new baby, we must make space for the new if we want to grow and move forward in life. 

For Reflection
What are you holding on to that no longer serves its purpose? It may be material possessions but it could also be old patterns of thinking that clutter our mind and prevent us from seeing life in new ways. Simplify your life and see what new thing shows up. I can't wait to hear from you!

If you enjoyed this post and would like a little help prioritizing your life while having fun at the same time, check out my ebook entitled "Take Back Your Life: 5 Keys to Reclaiming Your Personal Power."  Life can be simplified so you can have more peace, more power, and more joy. And when those extra challenges come up, you won't get so stressed out because you have your priorities straight. Order your copy today at your favorite online bookseller. 

I do hope you will join our growth-oriented community. Just enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly newsletter plus a copy of my free e-guide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path". 

And, pop on over to Pinterest and check out all the tips, ideas, and recipes I have curated for you. And if you are looking for a new read, check out my books available at most of your online booksellers. 

Stay tuned for more positive and practical wisdom to help you ignite the power within and discover YOUR DESTINY!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this material, please contact me at

Monday, April 1, 2024

How to Live in Victory Over Your Circumstances

Life has its challenges, for sure. Some of us are facing illness or health challenges. For others, it could be a broken relationship, financial stress, or loss of a loved one. Some of us are facing more than one of these. Storms often seem overwhelming and insurmountable while we are going thru them, but the key is to keep our focus on the Resurrection power of Jesus Christ. And that my friends, is why we celebrate Easter. 

A Little History Lesson
Jesus Christ was a real person, not just a prophet and a teacher, who lived about 2000 years ago. More importantly, he was the incarnate Son of God which means he is personification of Holy God. He became flesh so that we may know him, believe in him and follow him. 

Jesus was persecuted by the Jewish leaders of the time which led to a shameful and humiliating cruxifiction at the hands of the Roman Emperor, Pilate.


Because he was becoming too popular with the Jewish people and the religious leaders of the day were afraid of losing their power over the people and of the Roman soldiers having to step in. It was all about control and power. Not much has changed has it? Look at Putin. 

This is why Jesus is called the sacrificial lamb. Until then, the only way to absolve people of their sins (and we all have them) was by the shedding of blood, usually an animal, typically a lamb. Blood is the only way to atone for sin and Jesus willingly surrendered his life so that our sins could be atoned for once and for all eternity. 

What This Means to Us
The fantastic news is that when we meet with a situation that seems impossible to us, we can call on the name of Jesus and he can turn it around. I have seen many miraculous breakthrus, healings, and solutions because of prayer and calling out to Jesus. There is supernatural power in the name of Jesus Christ.  

When we celebrate Easter, we are reminded of new life and transformation, victory over sin and death, triumph over evil. When we look at the cross, we are reminded that new life can come out of what appears to be dead. When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, we receive Jesus' Resurrection power thru the Holy Spirit. This is why I pass on Buddhism, Islam, and all the other belief systems out there. Only Jesus rose from the dead and only He can bring life from death.

Personal Story
I have seen this power in action in my own life many times. God has restored me from several serious illnesses that the doctors could not figure out. I remember one stroke specialist at Johns Hopkins scratching his head and muttering to himself about the vestibular migraines I was having. 

After a bankruptcy and a nasty divorce, Christ has restored my finances and moved me to a place of provision and abundance. After being raised in a chaotic and dysfunctional home, he has replaced fear, worry, and anxiety with faith, peace and joy. He has given me peace after my oldest son decided to estrange himself from me for no apparent reason. And that is what I want to share with you, dear friend. No matter what painful things you have gone thru, Jesus can heal you. He can give you the peace that passes all understanding. That is why I put all this effort into writing this blog. Jesus has transformed my life. What he has done for me he can and will do for you when you put your trust in him. 
We were not made to endure all these things on our own. Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. 

Peace through the Pain  
Easter is a time to be transformed. God sees every pain and hurt we endure. He sees our fears, our shame, our guilt,  and he wants to renew us by transforming our minds. We were not meant to live stressed out, anxious, defeated lives fearing the next shoe to drop. 

When we accept Jesus, we learn to trust, to have peace and hope despite our circumstances, and to forgive those who have hurt us. His plan for us is for good and not for evil. No matter what mistakes we may have made or what others may have done to us, God is able to make us new and whole again. This is the power of the Resurrection. 

A time for renewal and forgiveness.
Easter is a time to let go of the old, and embrace the new. It is a time to let God heal our hearts, by filling it with the great love he has to offer us through His son, Jesus Christ. It is up to each of us whether or not we choose to receive this free gift of grace and love. 

My life has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; so in a spirit of humility and thankfulness, I offer some reflections on what Easter means to me, and I trust that they will encourage and comfort you as well. When we pause to look at the cross, somehow it puts our "light and momentary afflictions" into perspective.

Easter reminds me that:

- I always have another opportunity for transformation and change

- miracles still happen if I believe 

- God's grace is sufficient for me

- Jesus paid the price for all my sins and mistakes, past, present and future

- God is always there no matter how far away I drift from Him

- no matter how dark it may look on Friday, Sunday is coming

- when I wonder "Does God really love me?" all I have to do is look at Jesus' outstretched arms on the cross and hear him say "I love you this much"

- when I am suffering, I know Jesus has suffered so much more than I ever will and that makes my pain more bearable

- no matter what I have lost or how much I have been hurt, misunderstood, or mistreated, God can bring healing and peace to my soul 

A Prayer to Remember
Here is one of my favorite prayers that helps guide me on how to handle the adversities of love. May it encourage you today. 

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;


Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

For Reflection 
Where do you want to see new life? What seems dead? Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? Do you believe in the Resurrection? If not, will you accept him into your life as Lord and Savior today and allow him to restore and renew you? We are each on our own spiritual journey and it is up to us which path to choose. 

May God fill you with his great love and peace. May he heal your broken places, and make you new. Amen and amen. 

If this post has encouraged you, join our community by entering your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly newsletter plus a copy of my free guide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path"

Stay tuned for more positive and practial wisdom to help you find healing, wholeness, and harmony and discover YOUR destiny!

Until next time, keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

Monday, March 25, 2024

How to Know God

Whether you are a believer or not, you can't help but notice the new growth and new life all around us: the daffodils peeking through the grass, the blossoms on the trees, the empty birds' nests. They all spent their time in darkness, hibernation, and rest and now as the season changes, it is time for rebirth, renewal, and transformation. This is what Lent is all about. 

Has it been business or busyness as usual or have you made some time for self-reflection, study, and journaling? I hope so! For me, Lent is a season to cut back on extra activities and fleshly pursuits so that I can use that time to reflect and connect more with my spirituality, with God, and with my purpose. I use this time as a learning period so I am as ready as I can be emotionally and spiritually for the challenges life brings me the rest of the year. After all, it is our emotional and spiritual maturity that helps us deal with the storms of life in a calm and centered way, yes? 

Who is this God? 
If we want to know God, who He is and what he desires for and of us, there is no
 better way to do this than reflect on the personhood of Jesus Christ. After all, he is the embodiment of God (Spirit made flesh) and by studying his life, his words, and his actions, we can learn how to treat others, how to live a life of integrity, how to love ourselves in a balanced way and how to find our purpose.

People seek God in all sorts of ways, but sadly so many ignore the very person of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God. At some point in time, we each must ask ourselves the question "Who is this Jesus?" 

Jesus is Our Example 
Jesus is the perfect example of a life well-lived; a life of service, sacrifice, and purpose. Jesus knew his destiny and dedicated each day to fulfilling it. He made it a priority to heal, to help, and to encourage those who were hurting despite the constant derision of those in power. He was a friend to the poor, the outcast, and the lonely. Most importantly, Jesus followed the will of God, not his own will, straight to death on the cross. Guiltless, he paid the penalty for all of our sins in one sacrificial act of atonement on the cross. Your sins and mine have all been washed white as snow. Who or what else can do that for us? 

When Jesus died on the cross for you and for me, the veil in the Jewish temple was torn which means there is no longer a separation between man and God for those who believe in Christ. We can now come directly to God, without fear, trepidation, or the need of an intercessor such as a priest or guru. No matter what we have done in the past, our sins are forgiven. We are redeemed and set free from our past, our mistakes, and our hurts and pains. And that, my friends, is worth celebrating!

For Reflection 
If you have not considered Jesus lately, friend, I encourage you to take some time to get quiet this Lenten season and do so. Jesus was not simply another teacher or prophet, as some religions teach. He is the one and only Son of God, a friend who stays closer than a brother. He is our peace and our hope. He is the incarnation of God on earth and he died to remove the veil from our eyes so that we can have true peace, joy, abundance, and an inspired life of service and joy. Will you spend some time with Him this season?

If you enjoyed this post, do join our community. Simply enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my free eguide, "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path" as well as my weekly posts. We're all about personal and spiritual growth and my goal is to help you heal, grow, and flourish. 

Stay tuned for more on igniting the power within and until next time,

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz 

Monday, March 18, 2024

Lent: A Time to Look In the Mirror

When was the last time you looked in a mirror? This morning? In your car? Many of us spend lots of time in front of the mirror: primping, styling our hair, and making sure we look just right before we head out the door. Now I am all for looking your best, but how often do we look inside and consider the fact that our inner person is even more important?

I think Michael Jackson realized this when he sang this powerful song.

On stage since a small child, Michael was always in the limelight. He had the glitz, the glamor and the fancy clothes. But as we all realize sooner or later, the glitz, the glamor and the lights fade all too soon and then where are we? When all is said and done, how much time have we devoted to shining up our souls? 

Lent is an ideal time to take a look within. 
It's a time to get alone and get quiet with God. Too many people are focused on outward success: money, possessions, fancy cars, jewelry, prestige. True success has nothing to do with money. How many of the rich and famous are inwardly destitute? Lonely, unhappy, and unfulfilled? Commit suicide?

True Success
True success  is about  growth, change, transformation, and becoming a better person. It's how we feel about ourselves, the steps we take to heal our hurts, pains, and insecurities, and then what we can do to make a difference in this hurting world of ours. This is what Lent is really all about; it is an opportunity to work on our spiritual and emotional selves and ask ourselves how we can become more like Jesus. We need to turn our eyes away from what the rest of the world is doing, and focus instead of what God would have us become.

Each of Us in On Our Own Journey 
We are each on our own journey. The obstacles we encounter in life are stepping stones to healing, wholeness, and harmony.  The rest will come when we get our priorities in order. "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you," (Matt. 6:33).

So, when was the last time you took a good look inside? What did you find there? Remember to see yourself and others through the eyes of love with compassion and mercy, just as Jesus does. No one ever healed by shame or guilt. We heal by being loved and Jesus showed us how much he loves us when he died on that cross.

For Reflection:
What hurts or pains do you need to heal? Who do you need to forgive this season? Where is there brokenness? Spend some time this week with Jesus and ask him to heal your broken places and make you whole so you can move forward into YOUR DESTINY!

Love to hear your comments on this post. If you'd like to find healing, wholeness, and harmony and ignite the power within so you can discover YOUR destiny, enter your email address in the box provided. You'll receive my weekly posts plus you'll receive a copy of my free e-guide entitled "7 Steps to Finding Your Spiritual Path" to get started on your journey or pass on to a friend who is seeking.

Until next time, remember you have the power to make that change!

Keep looking up!

Ariel Paz

Monday, March 11, 2024

How to Draw Nearer to God this Lenten Season

Most of us are really busy. I'm retired and I'm still really busy. We have our daily schedules, our agendas, our plans and our projects. We like our routines, our meals and our lifestyles. These give us a kind of comfort and stability in this topsy turvy world we live in. How often have you heard yourself say this:
"I don't have enough time to ......" You fill in the blank.

The stuff of life can keep us so busy and so stressed out, we rarely have time to do what Stephen Covey, author of numerous best selling books including "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", calls "Quadrant 2 Activities".

Quadrant 2 activities are those activities which are important but not urgent or pressing. Some of them include planning, prevention and improvement. It includes spiritual practices such as prayer, journaling, fasting, and meditation.  These habits are all crucial to our spiritual and emotional health, but none of them are critical or urgent. Therein lies the crux of the problem. We are addicted to the urgent and we neglect the important, as Stephen Covey says. 

Wake up calls 
Sadly, it is not until life gets uncomfortable and some crisis happens such as a sudden illness or a job loss, a breakup, or an epidemic, that stops us dead in our tracks. It is then - maybe -  that we say "Whoa, wait a minute. Maybe I need to slow down and rethink my priorities". 

When things get uncomfortable, scary, stressful, or painful, it is time to surrender, not resist. God uses everything in our lives to make us more like him and lead us into our destinies, which is - by the way - to be more like his Son, Jesus Christ.

These times are wake-up calls of sorts. He may be leading us away from certain activities, jobs, situations, places, or people. He may be trying to get us to change. He may even want to send us help. 

God is always trying to get our attention onto what really matters. We may resist and rationalize. When God is calling us to let something or someone go, it is important to stay with the discomfort, even when it interrupts our busy lives and messes with our agendas. God has the plan. What we need to do is let go and surrender to it.

Go With the Flow
You've heard the phrase, I'm sure. But that is easier said than done when something difficult happens. We tend to fight it, escape it or look for ways to avoid dealing with it. Yet, none of these is helpful. When difficult situations present themselves, the best thing we can do is to surrender. Deal with whatever it is in a calm and focused manner. Stressing out never helps anybody. 

Recent Story 
So my elderly mom, who lives out of state, has had a few falls recently. I tried to tell her she needs daily care, but she would have none of it. Last week, it happened. She fell and fractured her back. She called me as the EMS team was taking her to the ER. Now, I could have freaked out, but praise God. I didn't. I stayed calm and collected and talked to her all the way to the hospital, thru the xray process, and back to her room, trying my best to keep her calm. At least I was connected to her, even if I wasn't there physically. 

God's Plan is not always clear 
We don't always understand why things happen but we can trust that whatever it is is for our good and His glory although we may not understand in the moment. When the questions whirl thru my mind like the swirling winds of March, my natural tendency is to try to figure it out. It's a hard habit to break. 

We don't have to figure it out. We need not fret or worry. All we have to do is trust and respond in obedience. Like Samuel said when he heard the voice of God, we need to let God know he has our attention, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening", then listen and wait. The answer is always the same.

Come a little closer. Let that go. Trust me. 

Scripture says this: "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you." (James 4:8).

For Reflection 
What is it that God is working on and in you today? What is he calling you to let go of or to embrace? Are you willing to listen? To surrender? To obey? Jesus is calling you to come a little closer this season. Perhaps, like me, you sometimes get too caught up in the busyness of doing that you fail to hear the still soft voice of Jesus that beckons us to sit at his feet, just like Mary Magdalene. 

Close your eyes and to this song by Dierks Bentley. Jesus is saying the same thing to us.

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Stay tuned for more on the purpose of Lent and until next time, come a little closer!

Ariel Paz